Monday, February 8, 2010


I've been using the internet far too much these past few days that I've actually lacked the appropriate number of hours to be used for sleeping. Even my supervisor saw it in my eyes stating:
You did not sleep again last night, right?


Yes, I did not get enough sleep last night. Or the night before. And the night before that. Even the night before that night.


Come on. I have a Twitter, Multiply and Facebook account to manage, for crying out loud. I need to keep it updated every once in a while, right? Not to mention my beloved blog! Haha.


I just realized that the internet can be a deadly tool, if used excessively and inappropriately. Grrrr. I can't focus on checking and recording the precise vital signs for my patients. Even answering a call bell can be so tiring. I feel drained and useless most of that time that I end up sitting the whole day staring at the company watch waiting for it to strike 20:00. Tik. Tok. Tik. Tok.


Well, wish me luck. I can't seem to get my fingers away from my Mac's keyboard. It can be so addicting! Haha.


Coffee, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. cge mgpakabaliw ka sa internet!magrereflect dn yan sa itsura mo.
